Integrating Screening for Sleep Apnea into Your De ...
Screening for SRBDs - The "Why" Slides
Screening for SRBDs - The "Why" Slides
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Pdf Summary
This document consists of two parts: "The Why" and "The How." In "The Why," the author discusses the importance of dentists screening for and identifying Sleep Related Breathing Disorders (SRBDs). They highlight the threats to oral and systemic health that arise from not identifying potential SRBDs, the limitations of the traditional medical model for diagnosing and treating SRBDs, the benefits of collaboration with the medical community, and the need to educate patients about the etiology, prevalence, risks, and comorbidities of SRBDs.<br /><br />In "The How," the author, Christopher Hart, explains the process of screening for SRBDs. He emphasizes the importance of asking patients specific questions about their sleep, such as whether they snore or have difficulty staying asleep, as well as listening to their bed partners if they mention snoring or witnessed apneas. Additionally, the author suggests using various assessment tools and techniques like Mallampati classification, pharyngeal grading, and examining signs and symptoms like mouth breathing, tongue posture, bad breath, large tonsils, and dental crowding. The author also mentions the role of oral appliances and orthodontic treatments in managing SRBDs and improving outcomes for patients.<br /><br />Overall, the document emphasizes the need for dentists to be proactive in screening for SRBDs and identifying potential cases in order to improve patient health and provide comprehensive care.
Sleep Related Breathing Disorders
oral health
systemic health
medical model
patient education
screening process
assessment tools
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