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Intro to Oral Appliances for Sleep Apnea
Intro to Oral Appliances for Sleep Apnea
Have you thought about starting to make oral appliances for patients with sleep apnea, but aren't quite sure where to start? This course will provide a broad overview, so you can decide if oral appliance therapy for sleep apnea and snoring is a service you want to offer patients.
At the conclusion of the course, attendees will be able to:
Explain the complexity and health implications of sleep-related breathing disorders and a dentist’s role in managing sleep-related breathing disorders;
Describe demographics, pre-deposing factors, signs and symptoms, and co-morbidities of sleep-related breathing disorders and various techniques to identify patients at risk;
Implement clinical strategies to incorporate evidence-based oral appliance therapies into a dental practice; and
Establish an effective screening protocol and physician referral network supported by inner office systems to streamline and document referrals.
Target Audience
Dentists who are interested in beginning their educational experience in dental sleep medicine.
Additional Information
Content for this course was last reviewed and approved by the AADSM Director of Education, Dr. Trish Braga, and the chair of the course, Dr. Rubina Nguyen on Jaunary 13, 2023. Neither individual has any relevant financial interest/other relationships to disclose.
Original release date: December 10, 2022
Expiration date: None
*Course content is reviewed every 3 years to ensure it is current and accurate. Should it be determined that course content is no longer current or accurate, content will expire. The AADSM will communicate that information to all registered attendees and course access will be removed.
This program was funded exclusively by the AADSM. For questions regarding the content of this program or for technical assistance, contact the AADSM at info@aadsm.org or 630-686-9875.
Continuing Education
The American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider.
ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed to the provider or to ADA CERP at www.ADA.org/cerp.
The American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine designates this activity for 8 continuing education credit(s).
Member: $100.00
Non-Member: $100.00
Federal Service: $25.00
Team Member: $100.00
Credit Offered:
8 CE Credits
7 Courses
Intro to Oral Appliances for Sleep Apnea Course List
Overview of Sleep Medicine and the Dentists Role in Sleep Apnea and Snoring - Noah Siegel, MD
Steps to Screening in a Dental Practice - Arthur Feigenbaum, DMD
Implementing OAT in a Busy Dental Practice - Christopher Hart, DDS
Finding Therapeutic Positions - Gy Yatros, DDS
Success with Side Effect Management and Long-term Management for Best Outcomes - Brijesh Chandwani, DMD
Clinical Practice Protocols and Utilization of AADSM Resources - Priya Jayaraman, DDS, MPH
Case Presentations and Q&A - Rubina Nguyen, DDS
Learning Activity Title
Learning Activity Title
Learning Activity Title
Open AirWaves Episode 1: The Power of Dentist/Physician Collaboration for Optimal Outcomes
Guests: Michelle Cantwell, DMD and Leon Sweer, MD
Aired: July 26, 2024
1.25 CE
Learning Activity Title
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Learning Activity Title
Open AirWaves Episode 2: Integrative Care in Dental Sleep Medicine
Guests: Nadia Afzal, DMD and Shehzad Malik, MD
Aired: October 17, 2024
1.5 CE
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Learning Activity Title
Tools and Templates
Learning Activity Title
Learning Activity Title
Learning Activity Title
Journal Study Club (July 2024)
No Credit
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901 Warrenville Road, Suite 180
Lisle, IL 60532
P: (630) 686-9875
E: info@aadsm.org
© American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine
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