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Isometric contraction and passive jaw exercise can help patients who experience transient morning jaw pain. This video demonstrates common techniques to assist the patient in performing isometric contraction and passive jaw exercises.
Note: CE credit is not offered for demonstrations.
Dentists and chairside dental staff treating patients with sleep-related breathing disorders.
Sheats R, et al. Management of Side Effects of Oral Appliance Therapy for Sleep-Disordered Breathing. Journal of Dental Sleep Medicine. 2017; 4(4): p. 111-125.
Content for this online learning module was last reviewed and approved by the AADSM Education Committee on November 1, 2019. No committee members have relevant financial interest/other relationships to disclose.
Education Committee: Kathi Wilson, DDS - Chair; Saleema Adatia, DMD; Michael Pagano, DDS; Gordon Bell, DDS; Maia Tsirghiladze, DMD; Harmeet Chiang, DMD; Kevin Wallace, DMD; Michelle Cantwell, DMD - Board Liaison; and Patricia Braga, DDS - Director of Education
Duration: 5 minutes
Original release date: January 2, 2020
Expiration date: None*
*Content is reviewed every 3 years to ensure it is current and accurate. Should it be determined that course content is no longer current or accurate, content will expire. The AADSM will communicate that information to all registered attendees and course access will be removed.
This educational offering was funded exclusively by the AADSM. For questions regarding the content of this program or for technical assistance, contact the AADSM at or 630-686-9875.
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