Open AirWaves Episode 1: The Power of Dentist/Physician Collaboration for Optimal Outcomes
Journal Study Club (July2024)
Construction Bite Acquisition Demonstrations
Screening for Nasal Patency
Temporary Oral Appliances
Journal Study Club (Q2 2023)
Journal Study Club (April 2024)
Journal Study Club (Q3 2023)
Journal Study Club (Q4 2023)
Case Study: Pre-Existing TMD: A Contraindication for OAT? (January 2024)
Case Study: Treating Epiglottal Collapse with OAT (April 2024)
Case Study: Treatment Planning for OSA, Pain and Bone Loss (October 2023)
Case Study: OSA or Narcolepsy: A Diagnostic Challenge (July 2023)
Case Study: DISE Guided OAT (April 2023)
Presentation to Physicians
Screening and Treating Sleep Apnea: The Evidence of What Works
Intro to Oral Appliances for Sleep Apnea
Case Study: Oral Appliance Therapy in the Presence of Debilitating Pain (January 2023)
CBCT Interpretations and Relevance in DSM
Combination Therapy for OSA
DSM in Less Than Perfect Teeth
How to Approach Credentialing with Medical Insurers
The Paradigm Traps of TMD
Top 10 Articles in Dental Sleep Medicine
Expanding ENT Referral Networks
Comorbid Insomnia and Sleep Apnea
Case Study: Screening for Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders in the Female Population (October 2022)
Evaluation and Management of the TMJ and Associated Muscles: A Physical Therapist’s Approach
Case Study: Co-Morbid Insomnia: A Qualified Dentist’s Role(July 2022)
Case Study: Risk of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (April 2022)
Bridging the Gap: Reducing Cardiovascular Morbidity
Chairside Adaptation for Type 2 Combination Therapy
Pregnancy and OSA; Risk to Mother and Child
Private Insurance Q&A
Successfully Applying for a Dental Research Award
2023 Medicare Q&A
Integrating Screening for Sleep Apnea into Your Dental Practice
2022 Billing/Coding Q&A
How to Conduct Clinical Research
Case Study: Post-polio Syndrome and OA Solutions (January 2022)
Case Study: Sinus Health and Sleep (October 2021)
Case Study: The Power of Persistence (July 2021)
DSM Practice Guidebook: Policies and Procedures for DSM Practices
Clinical Practicalities for Phenotyping Oral Appliance Non-Responders
Managing Dental Side Effects of OAT: An Orthodontist's Perspective
Managing Expectations for Ultimate Patient Success
Incorporating Medical Personnel into Your DSM Team
Case Study: Combining Therapies for Best Outcomes (April 2021)
Billing/Coding Q&A
E/M Coding Revisions
Case Study: Roger Ree Lapse (January 2021)
Understanding Medical Billing
Case Study: Debra Dentless (October 2020)
Photographic Record Keeping
Device Delivery
Device Delivery with a Thermoplastic Liner
Fabrication of Morning Occlusal Guide
Calibration Techniques for Propulsion Mechanisms
Polyvinyl Siloxane Impression Technique
Case Study: Terri N. Pane (July 2020)
Telehealth and Dental Sleep Medicine Panel
The Relationship Between Stroke and OSA
Considerations Before Joining Private Insurance Networks, and Systems for Efficacy and Profitability
Collaborating with Referring Providers
Treatment Emergent TMD
Determining the Therapeutic Position of an OA
Practice Models of Dental Sleep Medicine
2021 AADSM Membership Meeting
Case Study: Thomas Tired
Fundamentals of Device Design
Management of Adverse Conditions in Oral Appliance Therapy
Baseline TMJ and Muscle Examination
Determining Mallampati and Friedman Classifications
Patient Jaw Exercises
Measuring Neck Circumference